Acep Abdulloh (JC and Secondary Teacher, CICTL Participant Surabaya)
“Benefit CICTL for me, my learning about the teaching method: how we plan the class, how to manage the class, and how we assess, gives me much new knowledge about it and a lot of things that I can implement directly in my class.”
Dhamar Pramudhito (Secondary Teacher, CICTL Participant Jakarta)
“I strongly recommend you to join the CICTL program because I’m an experienced teacher myself. This program has proven so far to me that it is useful, not just for me as an experienced teacher, but also for those of you who are building up your experience in teaching in Indonesia.”
Lifinia Anggun (Secondary Teacher, CICTL Participant Jakarta)
“I would recommend it to teachers in Indonesia, especially those who consider teaching as your career in the long term. It is an excellent programme for veteran teachers as well as new teachers. Veteran teachers will benefit from their reflection on lesson delivery in their classroom and the new teachers will benefit from having a […]