WSA-WCIU Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CICTL) Programme

William Soeryadjaya Academy (WSA) for Teaching Excellence is a professional development provider for educators based out of Jakarta, Indonesia. In WSA, we strongly believe that teachers’ professional practice in the classroom significantly impacts on students’ learning and development. Therefore, teachers’ professional development is one of the most critical investments that you can make for quality education for your students. If you are looking to develop and enhance your teaching practice, WSA is committed to providing you an effective and engaging learning experience.

WSA is a certified by the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) as a Cambridge Professional Development Centre (Centre Number: ID485) to offer the Cambridge Professional Development Qualification (PDQ) – Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CICTL)

The CICTL programme aims to equip teachers to:

  • Improve their teaching to enhance the quality of their students’ learning through exploring and applying new ideas in their own context
  • Develop critical engagement with key education theories and concepts
  • Integrate new approaches in their own practice
  • Focus on effective and reflective practice to promote active learning through demonstrating their professional development as a reflective practitioner

William Carey International University (WCIU) is honoured to partner with WSA. We know that education is important in creating transformational solutions and flourishing.  We are confident this program will make a difference in your life and work.

The CICTL Programme is delivered over six modules. The overview and details of the programme are available below.

Programme Overview

Six <br/>Modules

Programme Overview

Assignment <br/>&<br/> Certificates

Programme Overview

Flexible<br/> Schedule

Programme Overview

Your <br>Investment

Programme Overview

Six Modules

Active learning is often associated with ‘learning by doing’, but simply repeatedly doing something doesn’t mean much learning will happen. In the module, participants will:

  • Engage with the concept of constructivism – that learners must review and reflect on their experiences, i.e. to think hard, thus, to ‘construct’ their own unique personal meanings or understandings of their experiences based on their prior knowledge
  • Learn how teaching methods and learning activities based on the Active Learning approach help to effectively ‘engage’ and motivate’ (both extrinsically and intrinsically) students to learn,
  • Learn how to select, design and use appropriate learning resources that impact how effectively students are engaged and motivated to learn

Active learning strategies and differentiated learning are the two critical factors that contribute to effectively managed lessons. In this module, the participants will focus on:

  • Understanding the concept of differentiation in teaching – having the awareness that learners not only had different abilities but had differences in the ways they learn, their levels of motivation to learn, their previous learning experiences, the levels of support needed to learn, etc
  • Reviewing and reflecting on the teaching and learning strategies they primarily use in their classroom practice and analysing them in terms of how well they lend themselves to being differentiated
  • Engaging with the concept of Metacognition – providing more opportunities for students to actively participate in learning by making them think not just about the subject content being taught, but also about how they think (reflect) and learn

Assessment does not only happen after teaching has taken place, but it is an integral part of the learning process. This module provides the opportunity for participants to:

  • Understand the purposes of assessment through making clear distinctions between two types of assessment, ‘formative’ and ‘summative’, and the purposes of each type
  • Extend their understanding of assessment by identifying the ‘formative’ and ‘summative’ assessment methods they primarily use in their classroom practice and discuss how and what they use them for
  • review, and reflect on the formative assessment methods commonly used in classrooms. From their thoughts and reflections, participants can identify the advantages and limitations of using each method and make adjustments in their future practice
  • Engage deeper in using questioning as a formative assessment method, identifying strategies that can be used to make the use of student questioning more effective

Assessment for Learning (AfL) has the explicit purpose of supporting, as well as monitoring, student learning. This module allows the participants to focus on:

  • Understanding the concept of AfL, and how it is applied in their practice
  • How to use formative assessment methods effectively in their classroom practice to support and monitor students’ learning
  • The ‘Four Key Elements’ of classroom practice that help students to learn more effectively: focus on learning, effective questioning, formative feedback, and scaffolding reflection
  • Understanding of the importance of giving learners Formative Feedback, which has a significant impact on students’ learning, no matter what their ability or attainment level

Lesson planning is an essential part of a teacher’s role, and this module emphasises to the participants that effective lesson planning is the basis of effective teaching. Participants will:

  • Clarify, differentiate and determine why a lesson plan should have clear aims and objectives, and a coherent structure, which consists of a clear beginning, a middle section, and a clear conclusion
  • Plan and teach a lesson that its content – teaching methods, learner activities, formative assessments and resources –  must have well-defined links to the learning objectives
  • Plan individual lessons that are part of a sequence of lessons or ‘blocks of learning’; the design of their lesson plans must not only be coherent but also evidence well-defined links to the participants’ previous learning, according to the constructivist approach

Each participant must submit an e-Portfolio that consists of evidence of practice, learning and reflection for throughout the CICTL program via the Cambridge PDQ Connect platform. The participants are to consolidate all the completed assignments from the previous five modules, namely ATL1, ATL2, ASL1, ASL2 and LSP, to prepare the final e-portfolio according to the requirements stated in the Cambridge PDQ Connect. Participants will be guided throughout the process through synchronous sessions and consultations by the trainers.

Assignments and Certificates

You will need to complete the assignments in each of the module in order to obtain the Certificate of Completion*. All the assignments will be structured according to:

  • Evidence of Practice – to apply the new learning in your own lesson, and to be observed by a mentor, who will provide formative feedback to your lesson
  • Evidence of Learning – to show your understanding of the underpinning concepts and theories in teaching and learning
  • Evidence of Reflection – to reflect on your learning and practice

Module NamesModule CodesEvidence of PracticeEvidence of LearningEvidence of ReflectionCertificate*
Active Learning 1ATL11 Lesson Plan +
1 Observation Feedback Form
400- to 600-word response guided by prompting questions250- to 350-word response guided by prompting questionsIssued by WSA
Active Learning 2ATL21 Lesson Plan +
1 Observation Feedback Form
300- to 500-word response guided by prompting questions300- to 500-word response guided by prompting questionsIssued by WSA
Assessing Learning 1ASL11 Lesson Plan +
1 Observation Feedback Form
400- to 600-word response guided by prompting questions250- to 350-word response guided by prompting questionsIssued by WSA
Assessing Learning 2ASL21 Lesson Plan +
1 Observation Feedback Form
300- to 500-word response guided by prompting questions300- to 500-word response guided by prompting questionsIssued by WSA
Lesson PlanningLSP1 Observation Visit Form (from observing an experienced teacher) +
2 Lesson Plans +
2 Observation Feedback Forms
200- to 300-word response guided by prompting questions

500- to 600-word response guided by prompting questions

Issued by WSA

*You will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of each module if you meet the completion criteria. You may receive a Certificate of Participation if you only partially submit the mentioned assignments.

You are eligible to register for the EPS module when, you have obtained Certificates of Completion from WSA for the five abovementioned modules – ATL1, ATL2, ASL1, ASL2 and LSP.  You will be guided to prepare your e-Portfolio on the Cambridge Online Learning portal – PDQ Connect, by compiling all the evidence of practice, learning and reflection that you have submitted in the earlier five modules. With support, you will consolidate the evidences according to:

  • Unit 1 – Understanding principles of learning and teaching
  • Unit 2 – Teaching an effective lesson
  • Unit 3 – Facilitating active learning through effective teaching and assessment

The information in the table below is taken from the CICTL syllabus document.

Module Names

Module Codes

Evidence of Practice

Evidence of Learning

Evidence of Reflection


E-Portfolio Preparation & Submission


Unit 1

  • Observation Visit Form
  • a copy of the lesson plan for the lesson you observed (not assessed).

Unit 2

  • Lesson Plan
  • Observer Feedback Form.

Unit 3

  • Lesson Plan
  • Observer Feedback Form
  • Teaching Activity Log.

Unit 1 – 800 words

Unit 2 – 600 words

Unit 3 – 400 words

There are prompting questions to guide your responses.

Unit 1 – 400 words

Unit 2 – 600 words

Unit 3 – 800 words

There are prompting questions to guide your responses.

Issued by CAIE

* You will submit your complete e-Portfolio to CAIE for assessment. When you satisfy all the assessment criteria, you will receive the Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning.

All written assignments are expected to meet the Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) Level 4 standard for the Certificate.

  • Assignments should be proof-read for grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
  • Any work taken from another source must be appropriately referenced and acknowledged to shows that participants can effectively locate and integrate relevant theories and ideas into their works.
  • Common referencing system, e.g. the Harvard referencing system, should be used to acknowledge external sources. Any referencing system adopted must be used consistently throughout all assignments.

Flexible Schedule

WSA highly recommend that the modules are completed in the sequence as listed below (see Table) within each cycle. However, as each module is also designed to be stand-alone module, you can also plan your own sequence of modules to be taken, except EPS (must be taken as the final module), according to whenever you are available to sign up, as long as you complete all six modules within 18 months.  To be eligible for registering the EPS module, you must obtain Certificates of Completion for ATL1, ATL2, ASL1, ASL2 and LSP from WSA.

Your Investment

The table below gives you an overview of what are your time investment for this programme.

Module Names

Module Codes



Total hours*


Active Learning 1




Active Learning 2




Assessing Learning 1




Assessing Learning 2




Lesson Planning




E-portfolio Preparation & Submission




* Total number of learning hours required for each module, which include

  • individual & collaborative learning (self-study, research, group-assignments),
  • work-based learning (applying new knowledge in your current practice, lesson observation) and
  • guided learning (large-group, small-group, individual meetings and asynchronous learning activites guided by trainers)

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